Monday, 29 August 2016


                                                           LIGHT FOLLOWER

The light following robot is a mobile machine which is capable of detecting and following the light source on the traveling path. It is developed without the help of a micro-controller for providing easier connections and understanding of the circuit. It requires fewer numbers of electronic components and verylcost-effective as well.
The concept of this light following robot is very simple. It includes three photo-diodes, one on the right and other on the left. When the light falls on the right LDR, the robot will move on the right side,other on left and another on front.The robot will move on the left side when the light falls on the left LDR.
Light dependent resistor sensor has been attached with the robot whose resistance varies with light intensity. When the LDR receives maximum amount of light then its resistance goes to its minimum value, ideally zero and when no light falling on the LDR then its resistance goes to its maximum value, ideally infinitive
A Light Following Robot is also an electro-mechanical device (robot) but with an added intelligence that it follows the route or decides the path to follow according to the light that falls on it. In this project we have designed this robot such that the amount of light falling on it, from every direction, will be calculated and then it will find out the direction from which the light with maximum intensity falls on it.
OK now we will look into the practical working.let start with the simulation.
As i discussed i am using operational amplifier to compare the values of the LDR and potentiometer along with motor driver to drive the motors.

let us test the motor driver circuit:

we finish with the testing the motor driver circuit.lets finish the reaming circuit and test the whole circuit,as i indicated in the simulation here left motor is in left side (yellow) and right is on right side in the picture(white).  

my circuit is little messy.But its working can find that in the following video.

My circuit is working good.We can fix the whole circuit on chassis and make it look like a car,robot according to your wish.

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